Stick Guide
Selecting the right hockey stick is a personal decision that depends on your unique playing style, position, and preferences.
Choosing the right hockey stick options are an important decision for any player, as it can greatly impact shooting, passing, and stick handling.

Consider your playing style and position. Different curves are better suited to certain styles of play.
If you're a forward who takes a lot of wrist shots and likes quick release, you might prefer a curve with a more open face and a mid-to-toe curve.
If you're a defenseman who takes slapshots and wants accuracy in passing, you might lean toward a curve with a closed face and a mid-to-heel curve.
For all-around play, a moderate curve can be a good compromise.

A “max blade” hockey stick typically refers to a type of hockey stick blade with a larger blade surface area. This design can provide players with more control and accuracy when handling and shooting the puck. The term “max blade” it implies an emphasis on maximizing the blade’s size for enhanced performance.

It's important to note that individual preference plays a significant role in choosing the right stick lie and lies change between each curve.
While general guidelines can be helpful, ultimately, the ideal lie number is the one that feels most comfortable and effective for the player's unique playing style and physical attributes.
- Lower Lie (5): Players who skate with a deeper knee bend may prefer a lower lie, which aligns the blade with their natural stance. This can aid in shooting accuracy.
- Mid Lie (5.5-6): A mid-range lie is suitable for many players and playing styles. It offers a balanced compromise between blade contact and shooting accuracy.
- Higher Lie (7): Players who skate more upright may benefit from a higher lie, which allows more of the blade to make contact with the ice. This can provide better puck handling and control.
Maximum Power
This type of flexpoint is versatile and suitable for a wide range of shots, including slapshots and snap shots. Many forwards / defensemen prefer mid-kick sticks because they offer a good balance of power and accuracy.
Quickest Release
For players who want to get their shots off rapidly. The rapid flexing of the stick in this area can lead to a faster release of the puck.
Low kick sticks are favored by forwards, especially those who play close to the net and rely on quick, close-range shots to score goals. These sticks are well-suited for situations where a player needs to get a shot off in a hurry, such as when they're in tight spaces or facing tight defensive coverage.

These raised sections create additional friction between the player's hands and the stick, offering improved control and feel.
The choice of shaft texture is a matter of personal preference and can depend on a player's style of play, hand size, and the feel they prefer when handling the stick. Ultimately, the goal of these various textures is to give players better control and confidence in their stickhandling and shooting abilities. Players often experiment with different textures to find the one that suits their needs and preferences best.